Diospyrus kaki ‘Hachiya’
The variety most often found in stores. The 4-inch-long, acorn-shaped fruit is deep orange when ripe, and very sweet and flavorful. Great dried. Astringent until ripened off the tree and eaten when soft. Sweeter than the non-astringent Fuyu-style varieties. The shiny green leaves explode with vivid fall color and the orange fruits persist long into fall, making this tree one of the treats of the autumn landscape.
Fruit is late to ripen and soften; best grown in locations with long, hot growing season. Low chill; only needs 200 hours below 45F to successfully set fruit. Regular water during the mid-to-late summer and fall will keep fruits succulent. Doesn’t need a pollinizer.
USDA Zone: 8-11
Grow Height: 15′
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: November
Pollination: Self Fertile
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