Pyrus communis ‘Arganche’
Among the most flavorful early-ripening pears at the National Pear Germplasm Repository in Corvallis, OR. This dainty yellow pear from Yugoslavia, also called Mustafabey in Turkey, Zaharoasa de Vara in Romania, and Klementinka in Bulgaria, ripens in mid July there. Fruit is small like Seckel, yellow-skinned with red blush. Flesh is smooth, sweet, juicy, and firm.
Arganche is a naturally compact tree due to relatively short internodes, has abundant fruiting spurs, and is consistently productive. Resistant to scab in most areas.
Cold Hardy to USDA Zone: 4
Mature Size: 15′ (Semi Dwarf)
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: Very Early – July in many areas
Pollination: Needs a Pollinizer
Semi-Dwarf Rootstock: OHxF87
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